Here are our top 10 considerations when planning the placement of devices for your Ajax wireless home alarm system.
1. Check your cellular network strength.

Plug your Ajax Hub into your internet router with the supplied LAN cable. Make sure that the Hub has adequate GSM (cellular network) signal strength. This can be checked on your App on the Hub display.
2. Keep the data topped up.

Always make sure there is a sim card in the Ajax Hub and keep it topped up with data. Therefore, if your internet goes down, the sim card acts as the backup communication channel to your Ajax App and armed response company.
3. Protect the Hub.

Now, this is really important, a motion sensor (i.e MotionProtect) should be placed in the same room/area as the Hub. This allows the motion sensor alarm to protect the Hub.
4. Indoor motion sensors.

When it comes to indoor motion sensors, one does not necessarily have to place them in every room, as this could become costly. One can place the motion sensors in rooms of “perceived value”. For example,
the lounge with a flat-screen TV, the study with the computer equipment or the main bedroom where the jewelry may be kept.
A good area to place an internal motion sensors is in a passage or a main artery of the house. Intruders would need to enter the passage in order to move around the house.
5. Outdoor motion sensors.

Outdoor motion sensors are beneficial, as they can detect intruders on your property BEFORE they are able to enter your house. If you have complete protection on the outside of your house with outdoor
sensors, fewer internal sensors are needed.
Use the outdoor sensors to protect your vulnerable entry points such as windows and doors, by aiming the sensors along or at the vulnerable areas.
If possible, try to direct the outdoors sensors away from vegetation, as this may cause false alarms when the wind blows.
Do not direct motion sensors over pools or ponds, as the reflection from the water may cause false alarms.
6. Rooms that get really hot.

If you want to protect a garage, loft, glass conservatory or any other room that experiences temperature fluctuation, it’s a good idea to use a motion sensor with a microwave lens such as the MotionProtect Plus. This will decrease the chance of false alarms.
7. Protect your main entrances.

It’s good practice to include in your home alarm system, at least a door magnet sensor (Ajax DoorProtect) on the front door and back door.
8. Make a noise!

The wireless outdoor siren (Ajax StreetSiren) is usually installed at the entrance to the premises. When selecting a location to mount the siren, try to place it under the eves or a place where it is protected from the elements. The StreetSiren is weatherproof, but mounting it under cover will extend its life span.
9. Need to extend your range, use a ReX.

Make sure that there is adequate signal strength between the hub and all the connected detectors and devices. If any signal is weak, a range extender can be used (Ajax ReX) to strengthen the signal.
10. Follow the step by step manual. 🙂

Last but not least, always install the Ajax home alarm system according to the device specification on the manual in the box or on the App.
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